Water divining and healing were all part of Diane's experience in childhood as her Father was a natural healer/psychic, as was his Father. Buddhism, Yoga and Metaphysics were amongst the dinner table conversation in her household growing up which led to a natural enquiry and first experience at The Spiritual Church as a 17 year old in Rotorua, New Zealand.
At the age of 19, Diane relocated to Brisbane, Australia and continued her exploration of all things spiritual. It wasn't long before she found herself at the Spiritualist Church again, delving into the practice of Psychometry. Diane became part of a household who actively sat in meditation circles with one member of the household being a medium. This led to regular Wednesday night circles being held which took Diane on a journey of self discovery and the beginning stages of training as a Medium. During this time, Diane also became a Herbalist, studied Hatha and Iyengar Yoga, Swedish Massage, Reflexology, Tai Chi, Meditation and also actively explored various religions including Quakers, Christian Outreach Centre, Hare Krishna and Buddhism.
Her travels then took her to Puttaparthi, India where she stayed for 3 months on the Sai Baba Ashram.
She was very fortunate during that stay to have had a number of private interviews and blessing with The Avatar, Sai Baba. Whilst in India, Diane was also fortunate enough to seek out and have a reading by the-then Shastri of Bangalore. This reading was done from a palm leaf written in sanskrit 5000 years prior and it was revealed that Diane would have 3 children and spend the latter part of her life 'walking with the deities and masters'.
While raising a family (of 3) Diane was a successful business woman, creating handcrafted beeswax candles, glass blowing and lamp working, where she was an award winning artist.
Diane's interest in spiritualism was sparked again by the presence of her Indian spiritual guide and it wasn't long before she found herself a regular student of Dianne Parker's at States of Grace, Mona Vale.
Diane is now a full time Psychic Medium who offers private readings, group psychic parties and is occasionally on platform demonstrating mediumship at the Mona Vale Spiritualist Church. Diane has been able to further her development by taking part in the annual Blue Mountains retreats held by States of Grace. She was lucky enough to be under the tutelage of Jackie Wright from the Arthur Findlay College, London.
Jackie claimed that "in the 30 years of experience as a Medium, no one had ever described her Mother in a mediumship demonstration as accurately as Diane has today."